Donations, Malawi, Volunteers

Donation towards the expansion of chicken business

Thank you so much to volunteers Emily Morris and Leo Bedford, who came to volunteer at Nyumba ya Masambiro to assist the staff with the micro businesses. During their time they analysed the existing businesses with the staff to look at financial sustainability at the centre, and provided some further training in order to use existing data collections to understand how the businesses may develop in the future.

They also very kindly donated some money to the centre for the expansion of the egg sale business. We look forward to the arrival of the new chickens and community members will have better access to fresh eggs. Thank you so much for your generous donation!

Donations, Malawi, Volunteers

Donation of youth and education equipment

We would like to extend a huge “Thank you!” to repeat volunteer Chris Spring and his friend and colleague Kai Gregus, who undertook some fundraising in Germany to provide equipment to Nyumba ya Masambiro. With the money raised they were able to buy footballs, netballs, ball pumps and pins for the youth club as well as exercise books, notepads, pens, pencils and chalks for the tutorials, nursery and youth club. In addition they brought out some much needed high quality toners for the media room, just in time for printing the school exams.

Thank you Chris and Kai for arranging the fundraising and bringing all the donations out, and to all the well-wishers in Germany who donated money to this wonderful endeavour – Yewo Chomene!